Entries from June 2009
One of the email addresses that intrigued me the most a while ago was the one I received from Whoisylvia@aol.com. I immediately thought of Schubert’s song based on Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona (“Who is Silvia”) and this is the only reason why I opened the message. Good that my love for music saved me from […]
Tags:Alan Deutschman·Arlene Blum·Berkeley·Berkeley Fireworks·Berkeley Ventures·Big Ideas Fest·Cybersalon·Dave Winer·Dolores Huerta·Eccolo·Electronic Frontier Foundation·EngageHer·Estella Garcia·Esther Dyson·Evan Paull·Free Software Foundation·Garrett Gruener·Gloria Steinem·Halsey Minor·Hillside Club·ISKME·Jascha Heifetz·Joan Blades·John Gilmore·John Perry Barlow·Lance Amstrong·Lance Knobel·Levi Leipheimer·Marc Pincus·Meridian International Sports Cafe·Mitch Kapor·MomsRising·Move on·Oliver Margolin·Philip Rosedale·Public relations·Public Relations for Entrepreneurs·Ray Ozzie·Richard Stallman·Rick Falkvinge·Say Everything: How Blogging Began·Scott Rosenberg·Silicon Valley Icon·Software Ventures·Sylvia Paull·Tour de France in Berkeley·Who is Sylvia·Whoisylvia
Coverage of the situation in Iran may be a significant turning point in the overall recognition of the importance of social media by a larger public. Over the last few months, social media has got a head start for promptness over media networks on several occasions. How many times have we heard that Twitter broadcasted […]
Tags:140 Character Conference·Breaking news·Brian Solis·Grand Slam·http://globalvoicesonline.org·Iran·Media convergence·Quadruple play service·Sichuan earthquake·Social Media·Technological convergence·The Fantastic Four·Traditional media·Triple play service·Twazzup·Twitter·Twitterverse·www.buzztracker.com
Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back starts with a telling anecdote: the author, Douglas Rushkoff got mugged on Christmas Eve in from of his Brooklyn apartment, and instead of getting sympathy, he was basically urged to shut up by local residents, afraid as they were that the incident […]
Tags:Adam Smith·Buzz Marketing·Disneyland·Douglas Rushkoff·Edward Bernays·Elmo Roper·Esalen·FDR·Ford·GE-Krupp·George Creel·George Gallup·GM·Hesiod·Home Owners Loan Corporation·IBM·Larry Tye·Life Inc·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Media virus·Omega Institute·Paypal·Plato·Propaganda·Psychological Corporation·Public relations·Social Media·Sophists·Spin·Teddy Roosevelt·Viral marketing·WOMMA·Woodrow Wilson·Word of Mouth Marketing
A 140 Sec Pitch: At TWTRCON, attendees were invited to vote for six of their favorite vendors. ObjectiveMarketer (http://objectivemarketer.com) was one of them. Amita Paul, the company’s founder, got the opportunity to pitch her product in front of the audience. I am not sure she used up her 140 seconds, actually, but one thing was clear in […]
Tags:Amita Paul·Conversional marketing·Grassroots marketing and social media·Guy Kawasaki·H5·Laconic marketing·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·ObjectiveMarketer·Retweet strategy·Shekhar Yadav·Social Media Marketing·StrongMail·Twitter·TWTRCON·XLRI
While the media may have found Twitter, only 5% of Americans are currently using it, according to a research performed by Harris Interactive in April. This doesn’t mean that Twitter is a fad. The adoption of new behaviors is generally a much longer process than is usually anticipated by innovators and early adopters. The truth of […]
Tags:140 Smiles·Adventure Girl·Andrew Israel·AspenSpin·Beth Mansfield·Brain Solis·Carl's Jr.·Cheryl Contee·Cisco·ComcastCares·DanceJam·Dell Outlet·Douglas Helferich·Eliane Fiolet·Gina Smith·Global Neighborhoods·Guy Kawasaki·Harris Interactive·Harry McCracken·Hootsuite·Janis Krums·Jeremiah Owyang·Jobaba·Jodee Rich·Laura Fitton·Leslie Poston·Loïc Le Meur·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·MC Hammer·Michael Gruen·Micropersuasion·Mind Note·ObjectiveMarketer·Outdoorafro.com·PeopleBrowsr·Pistachio Consulting·Radian6·Renee Hamilton·Rue Mapp·Salesforce·Seesmic·Seth Godin·Shanan·Shanan Carney·Shel Israel·Social Media Platform·Stefanie Michaels·Stefanie Nelson·Steve Rubel·Technologizer·ThumbFight·TiVo Diva·Twitfunnel·Twitlebrity·Twitter·Twitter For Dummies·Twitterverse·Twitterville·TWTRCON SF09·Ubergizmo·UserVoice·Virgin America