Entries from April 2010
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The purpose of Social Media Metrics, subtitled “How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment,” by Jim Sterne is not to convince companies about the importance of social media: “If you’re still not sure whether social media is important or is important to your company, save this book for later.” I’d love […]
Tags:David Berkowitz·Delbourg-Delphis·influencity·Jason Falls·Jeremiah Owyang·Jim Sterne·Katie Delahaye Paine·Measure and Optimize·online marketing·Social Media·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media for Business·Social Media Management System·Social Media Metrics·Social Media Strategy·web analytics·web marketing
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Because of more frequent trips to France, I happen to read more books written in French… I just posted a comment on Allons enfants de l’Internet on Amazon.fr, by Christophe Ginisty, the co-founder of Rumeur Publique, a PR agency and of Internet sans frontières (“Internet without Borders). The title of the book […]
Tags:Allons enfants de l'Internet·Christophe Ginisty·Internet and Politics·Internet sans frontières·Social Media·The Internet Civil Society
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Tom Foremski, the editor/publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher, has been reporting on the business of Silicon Valley for US and global newspapers and magazines since 1984 and focuses on an important topic: Why “Every Company Needs To Become A Media Company.” To use his striking summary, “EC=MC is the the transformative equation for business.” Hard […]
Tags:Brian Solis·Company Values·Customer Evangelist·Digital Ambassador·Digital IQ Program·EC=MC·Employee Empowerment·Engage!·Intel·Nilofer Merchant·Objective Marketer·SiliconValleyWatcher·SMMS·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media Leadership·Social Media Management System·Social Media Strategy·The New How·Tom Foremski
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis If you read French, Martha Argerich : L’enfant et les sortilèges by Olivier Bellamy from Radio Classique is a must-read. Buenos Aires at the end the forties and fifties is a paradise for musicians and music lovers, and the ebullient scene where the seven-year old Martha Argerich makes her debut. It’s the starting […]
Tags:Buenos Aires in the fifties·Martha Argerich·Olivier Bellamy·Pianist
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The launch date of the iPad is now behind us. It was more marketing hype; it was a societal event, just as the Mac, the iPod, and the iPhone were when they launched. Very few companies have managed this type of exploit so consistently over the last twenty-five years or so. The […]
Tags:Apple Computer·Computer Mouse·Dave Winer·Graphical User Interface·Hartmut Esslinger·Interface·iPad·iPhone·iPod·Look and feel·Macintosh·NeXt·Steve Jobs·Tactile Interface
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis My 88-year old mother, who is French and hardly speaks English, smashed her right shoulder by slipping on a speed bump on a parking lot in Palo Alto while she was visiting. Now just imagine the landscape: she has no insurance in this country and was provided an initial quote from a […]
Tags:Bradley Graw·Leadership·NIH·Righttime Medical Care·Robert G. Graw·S.O.A.R.·Silicon Valley Healthcare·Sports medicine