Grade A Entrepreneurs

(also: Zeitgeist, great atypical people, books and misc.)

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The End of Business as Usual by Brian Solis

January 18th, 2012 · No Comments · Book Review

“What are words for if not to inspire the hearts, minds, and actions of our employees and customers?” Brian Solis asks this before listing a series of buzzwords that operate as “crutches for characterless engagement,” and are “indicative of how businesses see (or don’t see) employees and customers.” His advice is simple: Take a moment […]



Social Technology in HR and Recruiting by John Sumser: Get a Move On!

December 22nd, 2011 · No Comments · Book Review

By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis I just finished reading The 2012 Index of Social Technology in HR and Recruiting, put together by John Sumser and the HR Examiner team. The report covers initial attempts in leveraging social media in the sourcing and recruiting industry. Although quite a large variety of products are surveyed, the report primarily focuses […]



Social Media: After the “quote-and-quote-conversation”

May 10th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Book Review

By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Less than a year ago, it was all about conversations. Now, the word “conversation” is used with a pinch of salt. People finally admit that Twitter is more of a broadcast channel, as was clear from the extensive analysis (What is Twitter, as Social Networks or a News Media?) provided by Korean […]



Requirements for a scalable social media strategy: strong company values, employee empowerment and customer evangelists.

April 20th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Tom Foremski, the editor/publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher, has been reporting on the business of Silicon Valley for US and global newspapers and magazines since 1984 and focuses on an important topic: Why “Every Company Needs To Become A Media Company.” To use his striking summary, “EC=MC is the the transformative equation for business.” Hard […]



Creating a Social Media Plan: “Engage!” by Brian Solis

March 23rd, 2010 · 6 Comments · Book Review, Entrepreneurs

Marylene Delbourg-Delphis (Twitter: @mddelphis) “Perhaps the biggest mistakes committed by businesses, personalities, and brands in social media occur when people jump into social networks blindly without establishing guidelines, a plan of action, a sense of what people are seeking and how and why they communicated, an understanding of where people are congregating, a definition of what they […]



Twitter and social media against traditional media: May not be the right debate, after all…

June 22nd, 2009 · 1 Comment · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

Coverage of the situation in Iran may be a significant turning point in the overall recognition of the importance of social media by a larger public. Over the last few months, social media has got a head start for promptness over media networks on several occasions. How many times have we heard that Twitter broadcasted […]

