By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis If you are interested in social media and community management, you probably read Jeremiah Owyang’s Web Strategy on a regular basis – and if you don’t, subscribe now! Jeremiah, an industry analyst and founding partner of the Altimeter Group, has been analyzing social media trends and technologies, as well as their […]
Tags:Altimeter Group·Community Management·Faith Sai So Leong·Jeremiah Owyang·Leadership·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Operation Blue Water·Social CRM·Social Media Management·Social Media Management Systems·Social Media Strategy·Web Strategy
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The purpose of Social Media Metrics, subtitled “How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment,” by Jim Sterne is not to convince companies about the importance of social media: “If you’re still not sure whether social media is important or is important to your company, save this book for later.” I’d love […]
Tags:David Berkowitz·Delbourg-Delphis·influencity·Jason Falls·Jeremiah Owyang·Jim Sterne·Katie Delahaye Paine·Measure and Optimize·online marketing·Social Media·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media for Business·Social Media Management System·Social Media Metrics·Social Media Strategy·web analytics·web marketing
Marylene Delbourg-Delphis (Twitter: @mddelphis) “Perhaps the biggest mistakes committed by businesses, personalities, and brands in social media occur when people jump into social networks blindly without establishing guidelines, a plan of action, a sense of what people are seeking and how and why they communicated, an understanding of where people are congregating, a definition of what they […]
Tags:Branding·Brian Solis·Bryan Rhoads·Charlene Li·Continuous Partial Attention·Employee Empowerment·Engage!·Jeremiah Owyang·Ken Kaplan·Linda Stone·Public relations·Scott Stratten·Social media business strategy·Social Media Management·Social Media Marketing·Socialgraphics·Unmarketing
While the media may have found Twitter, only 5% of Americans are currently using it, according to a research performed by Harris Interactive in April. This doesn’t mean that Twitter is a fad. The adoption of new behaviors is generally a much longer process than is usually anticipated by innovators and early adopters. The truth of […]
Tags:140 Smiles·Adventure Girl·Andrew Israel·AspenSpin·Beth Mansfield·Brain Solis·Carl's Jr.·Cheryl Contee·Cisco·ComcastCares·DanceJam·Dell Outlet·Douglas Helferich·Eliane Fiolet·Gina Smith·Global Neighborhoods·Guy Kawasaki·Harris Interactive·Harry McCracken·Hootsuite·Janis Krums·Jeremiah Owyang·Jobaba·Jodee Rich·Laura Fitton·Leslie Poston·Loïc Le Meur·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·MC Hammer·Michael Gruen·Micropersuasion·Mind Note·ObjectiveMarketer··PeopleBrowsr·Pistachio Consulting·Radian6·Renee Hamilton·Rue Mapp·Salesforce·Seesmic·Seth Godin·Shanan·Shanan Carney·Shel Israel·Social Media Platform·Stefanie Michaels·Stefanie Nelson·Steve Rubel·Technologizer·ThumbFight·TiVo Diva·Twitfunnel·Twitlebrity·Twitter·Twitter For Dummies·Twitterverse·Twitterville·TWTRCON SF09·Ubergizmo·UserVoice·Virgin America
Ken Kaplan is the Broadband and New Media Manager in the Consumer and Social Media Team, which is part of the Global Communication Group of Intel. He embodies a new generation of PR: “Today, PR is not about messages, although they are in there. It’s about telling stories that connect to trends and that are […]
Tags:45nm·Adam Savage·Adrian Chan·Beat Culture·CNBC·CNET·Corporate blogging·Dave Winer·Fairchild Semiconductor·Gabriella Bruni·innovation·Inside Scoop·Intel·Intel Atom processor·Intel bloggers·Intel Inside·Jamie Hyneman·Jeremiah Owyang·Ken Kaplan·KRON·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·NewMediaJim·North Beach Magazine·Podcasting·Power of Small·PR·Robert Noyce·Social Media Personality Types·TechTV·ZDNet·Zoomorama