Grade A Entrepreneurs

(also: Zeitgeist, great atypical people, books and misc.)

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The Macintosh Way by Guy Kawasaki: Ageless Insights into Entrepreneurial Audacity

January 19th, 2012 · 3 Comments · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

The huge success of Walter Isaacson’s book, Steve Jobs, shows the scope of our fascination for one of the top industry visionaries ever. While most people have come to realize the meaning of Steve Jobs almost in retrospect, for entrepreneurs starting in the eighties, he was already a thought-leader, and the Macintosh was already a metaphor for entrepreneurial audacity. […]



From Macintosh to the iPad, the art of the interface: you touch them, they are yours (and you are theirs)

April 9th, 2010 · 4 Comments · Talents, Innovators

By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The launch date of the iPad is now behind us. It was more marketing hype; it was a societal event, just as the Mac, the iPod, and the iPhone were when they launched. Very few companies have managed this type of exploit so consistently over the last twenty-five years or so. The […]

