By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Less than a year ago, it was all about conversations. Now, the word “conversation” is used with a pinch of salt. People finally admit that Twitter is more of a broadcast channel, as was clear from the extensive analysis (What is Twitter, as Social Networks or a News Media?) provided by Korean […]
Tags:Brian Solis·Buzz agent·Changhyun Lee·Conversation Vs Broadcast·Engage!·Haewoon Kwak·Hosung Park·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Social Media·Social Media Management System·Social Networks and News Media·Sue Moon·Twitter
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The purpose of Social Media Metrics, subtitled “How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment,” by Jim Sterne is not to convince companies about the importance of social media: “If you’re still not sure whether social media is important or is important to your company, save this book for later.” I’d love […]
Tags:David Berkowitz·Delbourg-Delphis·influencity·Jason Falls·Jeremiah Owyang·Jim Sterne·Katie Delahaye Paine·Measure and Optimize·online marketing·Social Media·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media for Business·Social Media Management System·Social Media Metrics·Social Media Strategy·web analytics·web marketing
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Tom Foremski, the editor/publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher, has been reporting on the business of Silicon Valley for US and global newspapers and magazines since 1984 and focuses on an important topic: Why “Every Company Needs To Become A Media Company.” To use his striking summary, “EC=MC is the the transformative equation for business.” Hard […]
Tags:Brian Solis·Company Values·Customer Evangelist·Digital Ambassador·Digital IQ Program·EC=MC·Employee Empowerment·Engage!·Intel·Nilofer Merchant·Objective Marketer·SiliconValleyWatcher·SMMS·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media Leadership·Social Media Management System·Social Media Strategy·The New How·Tom Foremski