I met Lynette Young at Guy Kawasaki’s party at SXSW earlier this year. She contributed to one of the chapters of Guy’s landmark book, What the Plus!: Google+ for the Rest of Us. No wonder, Lynette represents the elite of “female googlers,” with over 1.5M followers. Lynette just released an excellent short book. Google+ for Small Businesses. Her […]
Tags:Google+·Lynette Young·Small business·Social Media Marketing·What the Plus
“What are words for if not to inspire the hearts, minds, and actions of our employees and customers?” Brian Solis asks this before listing a series of buzzwords that operate as “crutches for characterless engagement,” and are “indicative of how businesses see (or don’t see) employees and customers.” His advice is simple: Take a moment […]
Tags:Brian Solis·Engage or Die·Groubal·New Communications·Pierre Levy·Social Commerce·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks·The end of business as usual
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis What I like about long flights is that they enable me to read an entire book in one shot. This is how I read The Dragonfly Effect by Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith from Vonavona ventures (an advisory and consulting practice), published earlier this year. This excellent book focuses on how social […]
Tags:Andy Smith·Chip Heath·Dan Ariely·Design thinking·Emotional contagion·Focus + GET·Groundcrew·Jennifer Aaker·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·National Marrow Donor Program·Obama social media campaign·Sameer Bhatia·Social good·Social media for social change·Social Media Marketing·The Dragonfly Effect·Vinay Chakravarthy·Vonavona ventures
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Reaching out to customers has been most companies’ motto for over twelve years, except that back then, “reaching out” mostly meant finding ways to bring them to your website with the maximum of bells and whistles through large email marketing campaigns. Great. It works, and works well, but it’s only one […]
Tags:Brand Recognition in Social Media·Brian Yanish·click-through·Email vs Social Media·Landing Page·MarketingHits·ObjectiveMarketer·Social Media Marketing·Social Media ROI·Social Media SEO·Socializer·TWTRCON
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Books related to social media marketing keep coming out. The truth is that even if Internet and social media marketing aren’t new, the information needs for marketing managers are huge: the more they read, the faster they will get the immersion feel enabling them to move from a tactical use of social […]
Tags:Chris Treadaway·facebook marketing·Mari Smith·Objective Marketer·online marketing·Social editor in chief·Social Media Marketing·Social Media Marketing Campaign·Viral marketing
Marylene Delbourg-Delphis (Twitter: @mddelphis) “Perhaps the biggest mistakes committed by businesses, personalities, and brands in social media occur when people jump into social networks blindly without establishing guidelines, a plan of action, a sense of what people are seeking and how and why they communicated, an understanding of where people are congregating, a definition of what they […]
Tags:Branding·Brian Solis·Bryan Rhoads·Charlene Li·Continuous Partial Attention·Employee Empowerment·Engage!·Jeremiah Owyang·Ken Kaplan·Linda Stone·Public relations·Scott Stratten·Social media business strategy·Social Media Management·Social Media Marketing·Socialgraphics·Unmarketing
Guest writer: Amita Paul “Most Fortune 100 Companies Don’t Get Twitter” – this statement referring a study published on Mashable intrigued me enough to write this article. This study was conducted by Weber Shandwick and presented a report on how well Fortune 100 companies use Twitter. The stats led to conclude that a majority of […]
Tags:Amita Paul·Guy Kawasaki·Mashable·Objective Marketer·Social Media·Social media channel·Social Media Marketing·Twitter·Twueless·Weber Shandwick
Written by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust is for everybody, including folks who think that they have already achieved the status of being “trust agents,” and who believe they know all the ropes and tricks of the social media business. I say this from […]
Tags:Agent Zero·Alan Schaaf·Chris Brogan·Entrepreneurship·Internet Personas·Julien Smith·Leadership·Principle of the lever·Social Media and Customer Service·Social Media Marketing·Social Media Marketing Campaign·Trust Agent
Part 1: Tribes are more than a trendy phenomenon Part 2: Urban tribes and digital tribes, two simultaneous phenomena The Convergence of Tribes: The Obama Campaign… While analog and digital tribes appeared independently at the same period, they converged about ten years ago, and are now increasingly hard to dissociate. Even though the expansion of digital tribes does […]
Tags:Barack Obama·Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)·David Plouffe·Digital Tribes·Geocentric Web·Hillary Clinton·John McCain·Leader·Leadership·Martin Luther King·MyBarackObama.com·ocal Impact Positioning System (LIPS)·Seth Godin·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks·Tribalism·Tribe·Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
For part 1: Tribes are more than a trendy phenomenon Urban tribes and digital tribes, two simultaneous phenomena… Godin rightfully reminds us that the creation of a tribe, and its goals, are independent from technology. Tribes didn’t appear yesterday and did not wait for the Internet era. Many of the examples of tribes selected by Godin can […]
Tags:56.com·AppleLink·BITNET·BlackPlanet·CERN·Classmates·eGroups·Eric Thomas·Facebook·Flixster·Friendster·Habbo·Hot or Not·Ira Fuchs·Jim Ellis·Le Chic et le Look·Leader·Leadership·Linkedin·LISTSERV·Meetup·Michel Serres·MyHeritage·MySpace·NewsGroup·Ning·Odnoklassniki·Orkut·Plaxo·RAND Corporation·Rize·Roger Cailliau·Seth Godin·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks·Tagged.com·Tim Berners-Lee·Tom Truscott·Tribalism·Tribe.net·Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us·Tudou·Twitter·Urban tribes·Usenet·Yafro·Yahoo! Groups·YouKu