Notoriety used to give you a chance to be immortalized with a postage stamp, but “now every single one of us has a digital stamp.” This is the opening statement of Erik Qualman’s new book: Digital Leader: 5 Simple Keys to Success and Influence. While Qualman’s previous book, Socialnomics*, analyzed the new challenges and opportunities […]
Tags:Digital Influence·Digital Leader·Erik Qualman·Glass House Generation·Social Media·Socialnomics·The Facebook Effect
I was at Back Bay Station, waiting for the train to NYC when I noticed a young guy with the Cluetrain Manifesto in his hands. I couldn’t resist asking him of he liked it. “It’s old, but it’s great,” he responded enthusiastically, adding that the authors should give it a new title: “Welcome to the […]
Tags:Bing·Christopher Locke·Cluetrain Manifesto·David Weinberger·Doc Searls·Erik Qualman·Google WiFi·John Dvorak·Live Search Cashback·Luther's 95 theses·rick levine·Social Media·Social Networks·Social Web·Socialnomics
Earlier this week, I had the privilege of delivering an introductory speech for a great product, ObjectiveMarketer, in front of remarkable executives and CIOs from the European Institutions hosted by Cisco Systems. It’s always a challenge to speak to an extraordinarily knowledgeable audience that is well versed in both technologies and trends, but it is also a rewarding […]
Tags:Amita Paul·BITNET·BlogOn 2004·Chris Shipley·Cisco·Cluetrain Manifesto·Dotcom bust·eGroups·Eric Raymond·Eric Thomas·Erik Qualman·Facebook·Friendster·Guy Kawasaki·Haas Business School·Ira Fuchs·Linkedin·LISTSERV·Marketing starts inside·Meetup·MySpace·NewsGroups·ObjectiveMarketer·Peter Thiel·Rize·Roger Cailliau·rtIntentIndex·Scott Rosenberg·Shel Israel·Social Media·Social Networks·Socialnomics·The Cathedral & the Bazaar·Tim Berners-Lee·Twitterville·Usenet·Yahoo! Groups
It took about ten years for Brick-and-Mortars to figure out how they could best exist within the Web 1.0. They will have far less time to understand that marketing is turning into a completely new social and linguistic genre. Erik Qualman’s book, Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business is an effective […]
Tags:Affinity groups·Affinity marketing·Disintermediation·Erik Qualman·Glass House Generation·Middleman·Referral program·Sandwich Man·Seach engines & Social Media·Social Media & Social Pressure·Socialnomics·Socionomics·Tribes