Amita Paul and I held a SXSW conversation on March 13, 2011 at 5:00PM. Late on a Sunday afternoon, with already so many parties going on, we only expected a tiny committee; instead we found a full house. Nice surprise, but our greatest joy was that the whole room enthusiastically participated in creating what we […]
Tags:#SXSWomen·Breaking the glass ceiling·SXSW·Women in high-tech·Women leadership·Women Manifesto
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Last Friday, Marian Scheuer Sofaer invited a few friends for a breakfast in Palo Alto, CA with Gloria Feldt, who presented her now famous book, No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think about Power. A great intimate setting early in the morning that did not diminish Gloria’s energy and determination to […]
Tags:Ada Byron Lovelace·Birth control·Blue Stockings Society·Bluestocking·Elizabeth Montegu·Feminist movement·Gloria Feldt·Leadership·Margaret Sanger·Marian Sofaer·No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think about Power·Planned Parenthood·Power over·Power to·Women at the top·Women in business·Women in high-tech
A few days ago, I had lunch with Chris Shipley. I remember being impressed by her when Stewart Alsop introduced her to me when she became the Executive Producer of DEMO. Very few women were likely to hold such a highly visible position in the high-tech industry in 1996 (and there may not be too […]
Tags:Blurb·Chris Shipley·Dehillerin·DEMOletter·French Tech Tour·Glam·Guidewire Group·High-Tech Entrepreneur·Innovate!Europe·Leadership·Marc Benioff·Matt Marshall·Mike Sigal··Silicon Valley Ecosystem·Silicon Valley guru·Six Apart·startup·Stewart Alsop·VentureBeat·VMware·WebEx·Women in high-tech·Women-founded startups·Xfire