Grade A Entrepreneurs

(also: Zeitgeist, great atypical people, books and misc.)

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Dave Winer: “I’m a mystic about What It All Means.”

January 7th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Talents, Innovators

No Ars Poetica ever created poets. Creative writing classes rarely generate novelists. Do “how-to-write-a-post” recommendations work better? Yes, for posts that report industry messages (how to best sell a soap, promote or describe the latest and greatest products or trends, etc.) – i.e. when “blogging” is the expanded version of an annotated PowerPoint presentation, mini-tutorials, […]



Guy Kawasaki: Great writers are great readers

December 29th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Entrepreneurs

Guy Kawasaki is a voracious reader. Not only because he wants to remain a great schmoozer (one of the reasons why he tells us to “read voraciously”), but mostly also because he adores books, loves to write, and looks at other writers as sounding boards, sources of inspiration, or thought-provoking agents. His latest book, a must-read, Reality Check: […]

