Entries from November 2008
Millenials may have been an important factor in the election of Barak Obama. As indicated by the Tufts University’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), ‘this year’s youth turnout rivals or exceeds the youth turnout rate of 52% in 1992, which is the highest turnout rate since 1972 (55.4%) For […]
Tags:Bob Dylan·CIRCLE·Greenwich Village·Janet Kerr·John Herald·Kennedy·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·McCarthy Era·Millenials·Obama·Pierre Dinand·Suze Rotolo·The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan·The Greenbriar Boys
Denise Caruso is famous, and definitely an industry icon – or rather a multi-industries icon. Yet, do we always know “well-known” people? No. The fact is that as we work ourselves like crazy, we often don’t have enough energy left to scope out the extent or the depth of the dedication that our friends put […]
Tags:Biotech·Biotech Planet·David Liddle·Denise Caruso·Digital Commerce·Enrico Caruso·Genetic Engineering·Hybrid Vigor·Inforworld·innovation·Interval Research·Knight-Ridder Foundation·Macintosh Today·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Open Society Institute·Pew Charitable·The New York Times·Wall Street Journal
Peter Yared? I met him… arghh… almost twenty years ago. He was a 4D developer during his time at IDS. I lost track of him while he was Prograph and later at JRad Technologies, an enterprise Java tools company that he founded in 1995 and was acquired by NetDynamics where he stayed – until the […]
Tags:Guy Kawasaki·iWidgets·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Reality Check
Non-profit organizations (NPO) are all the more fascinating as they must be, if not “profitable,” at least capable of operating on budget and offer some form of moral earnings and satisfaction to their patrons. Just as any business, they must show real numbers in order to justify their existence and the continued involvement of donors […]
Tags:Ann and Clayton Wilhite·Ann Arbor·Carl Herstein·Ken Fischer·Lawrence Brownlee·Leon Botstein·Leonard Bernstein·Marie Chouinard·Martin Katz·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Matt Fischer·MBA·Michael Kondziolka·Non-profit organization·Patrick Hayes·Robert McDuffie·Sara Billmann·start-up·UMS·University Musical Society
I let you decide… Anyway, this is the question that popped into my mind when I came across this spread as I was leafing through “Modern Menswear,” a book written by Hywel Davies, and published by Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London, in April. We all know how challenging life can be for high-tech entrepreneurs, no matter […]
Tags:creativity·Duckie Brown·Entrepreneurs·Fashion·Frank Leder·Hywel Davies·innovation·Menswear·VC·Web Neat-o
http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate How much do we spend on latte or little things that we could skip once in a while? Yet, how often do we resort to Wikipedia? As far as I am concerned, I look at Wikipedia quite frequently. So this year, I felt that I should make a donation. They launched their annual giving […]
Tags:change the world·Jimmy Wales·Wikimedia Foundation·Wikipedia
When you start a book, there are always a few words that make you want to read on. I like the way Sramana Mitra describes her goal with “Entrepreneur Journeys.” She wants “to capture that tribal knowledge accumulated in the private lives of great entrepreneurs.” Although it is now common lingo, even with Six Sigma pundits, I still […]
Tags:Bootstrapping·Carol Realini·Edward Fields·Gautam Godhwani·Hans Peter Michelet·Harish Hande·Jerry Rawls·Marcos Galparin·Patrick Consorti·Philippe Courtot·Sramana Mitra·Sridhar Vembu·Steve Hafner·Steve Singh·T.M. Ravi
The Nikkei Business magazine is no fancy publication, and I was pleased to see the picture of Eliane Fiolet and Hubert Nguyen, the founders of Ubergizmo. But I was not surprised. It is not only because Japan remains the fairyland of whatchamacallits, it is also and, maybe primarily, because as writers and consultants, Eliane and Hubert are now part […]
Tags:Eliane Fiolet·Eliot Ingram·gadgets·gizmos·Hubert Nguyen·Intel SSD X25-M·KDDI mobile phones·Ken Kaplan·Logitech diNovo·Nikkei·Ubergizmo·Voodoo Envy 133