By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Books related to social media marketing keep coming out. The truth is that even if Internet and social media marketing aren’t new, the information needs for marketing managers are huge: the more they read, the faster they will get the immersion feel enabling them to move from a tactical use of social […]
Tags:Chris Treadaway·facebook marketing·Mari Smith·Objective Marketer·online marketing·Social editor in chief·Social Media Marketing·Social Media Marketing Campaign·Viral marketing
Written by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust is for everybody, including folks who think that they have already achieved the status of being “trust agents,” and who believe they know all the ropes and tricks of the social media business. I say this from […]
Tags:Agent Zero·Alan Schaaf·Chris Brogan·Entrepreneurship·Internet Personas·Julien Smith·Leadership·Principle of the lever·Social Media and Customer Service·Social Media Marketing·Social Media Marketing Campaign·Trust Agent