By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Chatting over breakfast the other day at Il Fornaio with Nilofer Merchant, whose book The New How, Building Business Solutions Through Collaborative Strategy I discussed in a former post, I realized that a “new how” often starts with a “new me.” This “new me” can be triggered by unforeseen events – events […]
Tags:Arranged marriage·innovation·Innovative Cultures & Kicking Ass·Leadership·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Nilofer Merchant·Personal development·Role model·Rubicon Consulting·Self-reinvention·The New How·Women in business
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Note: This book will be published in French by Diateino in January 2011. As a reminder, Diateino is also the French publisher of Seth Godin’s and Guy Kawasaki’s most recent books. To read my French version of this preface, please go to the Diateino blog. *** I’m a cartoonist – This […]
Tags:Alexander Calder·And What Do You Do?·Barrie Hopson·Business card·Business cartoons·Business for artists·Cabu·Cartoon·Charles Philipon·Daumier·Diateino·Entrepreneurship·Gapingvoid·Guy Debord·Guy Kawasaki·Hugh MacLeod·Hundertwasser·Ignore Everybody·Isidore Isou·J.J. Grandville·Jean-Paul Gabilliet·John Leech·Katie Ledger·Leadership·Lettrist Movement·Linchpin·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Nilofer Merchant·No.1: Substance and Shadow·Paul Klee's Drawings·Pétillon·Punch Magazine·Ronald Searle·Sempé·Seth Godin·Situationist·Stormhoek USA·The New How·The Society of the Spectacle
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Tom Foremski, the editor/publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher, has been reporting on the business of Silicon Valley for US and global newspapers and magazines since 1984 and focuses on an important topic: Why “Every Company Needs To Become A Media Company.” To use his striking summary, “EC=MC is the the transformative equation for business.” Hard […]
Tags:Brian Solis·Company Values·Customer Evangelist·Digital Ambassador·Digital IQ Program·EC=MC·Employee Empowerment·Engage!·Intel·Nilofer Merchant·Objective Marketer·SiliconValleyWatcher·SMMS·Social Media Amplifier·Social Media Leadership·Social Media Management System·Social Media Strategy·The New How·Tom Foremski
In her book, The New How, Building Business Solutions Through Collaborative Strategy, published by O’Reilly, Nilofer Merchant addresses a difficult topic: the common discrepancy between what is called “strategy” in the one hand, and what is labeled “execution,” on the other. In between, you have what she calls the “air sandwich.” The gap is not […]
Tags:business cartoonist·Business Strategy·Collaborative strategy·Employeeship·Hugh MacLeod·Leadership·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Medarbetarskap·MurderBoarding·Nilofer Merchant·Rubicon Consulting·Strategy and Execution·Vision