By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis The Mesh, an old word meaning the “opening between the threads of a net” got its technology flavor with the concept of mesh networking generally defined as “a type of networking wherein each node in the network may act as an independent router.” For Lisa Gansky, in her book The Mesh, […]
Tags:Anti-waste supply chain·Business as a service·Business Strategy·consumer behavior patterns·Delbourg-Delphis·Disintermediation·Entrepreneurship·innovation·Lisa Gansky·Mesh directory·Mesh liberalism·Mesh network·Netflix·p2p·Prosper·Reverse supply chain·Seth Godin·Social Contract·The Mesh·ThredUp·Throwaway economy·Why the future of business is sharing·Zipcar
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Note: This book will be published in French by Diateino in January 2011. As a reminder, Diateino is also the French publisher of Seth Godin’s and Guy Kawasaki’s most recent books. To read my French version of this preface, please go to the Diateino blog. *** I’m a cartoonist – This […]
Tags:Alexander Calder·And What Do You Do?·Barrie Hopson·Business card·Business cartoons·Business for artists·Cabu·Cartoon·Charles Philipon·Daumier·Diateino·Entrepreneurship·Gapingvoid·Guy Debord·Guy Kawasaki·Hugh MacLeod·Hundertwasser·Ignore Everybody·Isidore Isou·J.J. Grandville·Jean-Paul Gabilliet·John Leech·Katie Ledger·Leadership·Lettrist Movement·Linchpin·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Nilofer Merchant·No.1: Substance and Shadow·Paul Klee's Drawings·Pétillon·Punch Magazine·Ronald Searle·Sempé·Seth Godin·Situationist·Stormhoek USA·The New How·The Society of the Spectacle
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Diateino, the French publisher of Guy Kawasaki’s The Art of the Start and Reality Check as well as and Seth Godin’s Tribes, will release the French translation of Seth Godin’s Linchpin on May 2o. This time, I was not the translator, but I wrote a preface that is available on the Diateino […]
Tags:Adam Smith·Diateino·Factories and Workshops·Fields·Guy Kawasaki·Inspired Marketing·Leadership·Linchpin French version·Mass Marketing·Personal development·Pyotr Kropotkin·Reality Check French version·Seth Godin·The Art of the Start French version·The Wealth of Nations·Tribes French version
Last week at a famous bookstore chain, the young lady at the cash register asked me if I had a coupon. “Yes,” I said. “It should show on my account.” “No, it doesn’t work that way,” she replied tersely. “You have to print it.” “Kind of a waste of paper,” I remarked. “It’s not my […]
Tags:Adam Smith·Change agent·Entrepreneurship·Factories and Workshops·Factory·Leadership·Linchpin·Personal development·Pyotr Kropotkin·Seth Godin·socio-political pamphlet·Tribes·Wealth of Nations
I had lunch with Dominique Gibert earlier this week at one of my favorite Parisian haunts, the Brasserie Lipp, Boulevard Saint-Germain. Dominique is the founder of Diateino, the French publisher of Guy Kawasaki’s The Art of the Start and Reality Check as well as of Seth Godin’s Tribes, three books that I translated for her. […]
Tags:4D·ACIUS·Brasserie Lipp·Brixlogic·Chauvin·Diateino·Dominique Gibert·Entrepreneurship·Guy Kawasaki·Leadership·Les Techniques du Succès·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·Reality Check·Say Chic to Say it in French·Seth Godin·The Art of the Start·Tribes
Part 1: Tribes are more than a trendy phenomenon Part 2: Urban tribes and digital tribes, two simultaneous phenomena The Convergence of Tribes: The Obama Campaign… While analog and digital tribes appeared independently at the same period, they converged about ten years ago, and are now increasingly hard to dissociate. Even though the expansion of digital tribes does […]
Tags:Barack Obama·Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)·David Plouffe·Digital Tribes·Geocentric Web·Hillary Clinton·John McCain·Leader·Leadership·Martin Luther King··ocal Impact Positioning System (LIPS)·Seth Godin·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks·Tribalism·Tribe·Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
For part 1: Tribes are more than a trendy phenomenon Urban tribes and digital tribes, two simultaneous phenomena… Godin rightfully reminds us that the creation of a tribe, and its goals, are independent from technology. Tribes didn’t appear yesterday and did not wait for the Internet era. Many of the examples of tribes selected by Godin can […]
[Read more →]·AppleLink·BITNET·BlackPlanet·CERN·Classmates·eGroups·Eric Thomas·Facebook·Flixster·Friendster·Habbo·Hot or Not·Ira Fuchs·Jim Ellis·Le Chic et le Look·Leader·Leadership·Linkedin·LISTSERV·Meetup·Michel Serres·MyHeritage·MySpace·NewsGroup·Ning·Odnoklassniki·Orkut·Plaxo·RAND Corporation·Rize·Roger Cailliau·Seth Godin·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks··Tim Berners-Lee·Tom Truscott·Tribalism··Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us·Tudou·Twitter·Urban tribes·Usenet·Yafro·Yahoo! Groups·YouKu
Given that Seth Godin’s Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us came out at the end of last year, the book has been reviewed extensively, and if you haven’t read it yet, I can only recommend that you do. I recently translated it into French and wrote a foreword for it — of which I […]
Tags:Badoo·Blogger·comScore·Copains d’Avant·Deadhead·Ethan Watters·Facebook·Family·FlickR·Follower·Grateful Dead·hi5·Jerry Garcia·Jim Deligatti·Le Temps des Tribus·Leader·Leadership·Meghan McDonald·Michel Maffesoli·MySpace·Netlog·Overblog·Patrick Leahy·pep talk·Pierre Bellanger·Post-modern Tribalism·Radios Libres·se puede·Seth Godin·Sí·Skyrock·Social Media Marketing·Social Networks·status quo·Steve Jobs·The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society·The Time of the Tribes·Tribalism·Tribes·Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us·Trombi·United Farm Workers·Urban Music·Urban Tribes: A Generation Redefines Friendship·Viadeo
While the media may have found Twitter, only 5% of Americans are currently using it, according to a research performed by Harris Interactive in April. This doesn’t mean that Twitter is a fad. The adoption of new behaviors is generally a much longer process than is usually anticipated by innovators and early adopters. The truth of […]
Tags:140 Smiles·Adventure Girl·Andrew Israel·AspenSpin·Beth Mansfield·Brain Solis·Carl's Jr.·Cheryl Contee·Cisco·ComcastCares·DanceJam·Dell Outlet·Douglas Helferich·Eliane Fiolet·Gina Smith·Global Neighborhoods·Guy Kawasaki·Harris Interactive·Harry McCracken·Hootsuite·Janis Krums·Jeremiah Owyang·Jobaba·Jodee Rich·Laura Fitton·Leslie Poston·Loïc Le Meur·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·MC Hammer·Michael Gruen·Micropersuasion·Mind Note·ObjectiveMarketer··PeopleBrowsr·Pistachio Consulting·Radian6·Renee Hamilton·Rue Mapp·Salesforce·Seesmic·Seth Godin·Shanan·Shanan Carney·Shel Israel·Social Media Platform·Stefanie Michaels·Stefanie Nelson·Steve Rubel·Technologizer·ThumbFight·TiVo Diva·Twitfunnel·Twitlebrity·Twitter·Twitter For Dummies·Twitterverse·Twitterville·TWTRCON SF09·Ubergizmo·UserVoice·Virgin America