By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Reaching out to customers has been most companies’ motto for over twelve years, except that back then, “reaching out” mostly meant finding ways to bring them to your website with the maximum of bells and whistles through large email marketing campaigns. Great. It works, and works well, but it’s only one […]
Tags:Brand Recognition in Social Media·Brian Yanish·click-through·Email vs Social Media·Landing Page·MarketingHits·ObjectiveMarketer·Social Media Marketing·Social Media ROI·Social Media SEO·Socializer·TWTRCON
Earlier this week, I had the privilege of delivering an introductory speech for a great product, ObjectiveMarketer, in front of remarkable executives and CIOs from the European Institutions hosted by Cisco Systems. It’s always a challenge to speak to an extraordinarily knowledgeable audience that is well versed in both technologies and trends, but it is also a rewarding […]
Tags:Amita Paul·BITNET·BlogOn 2004·Chris Shipley·Cisco·Cluetrain Manifesto·Dotcom bust·eGroups·Eric Raymond·Eric Thomas·Erik Qualman·Facebook·Friendster·Guy Kawasaki·Haas Business School·Ira Fuchs·Linkedin·LISTSERV·Marketing starts inside·Meetup·MySpace·NewsGroups·ObjectiveMarketer·Peter Thiel·Rize·Roger Cailliau·rtIntentIndex·Scott Rosenberg·Shel Israel·Social Media·Social Networks·Socialnomics·The Cathedral & the Bazaar·Tim Berners-Lee·Twitterville·Usenet·Yahoo! Groups
“We invest in people…” is a phrase that entrepreneurs hear often from VCs and employees from corporations. What does it mean? Hard to know – or maybe, the actual content of the sentence depends on who is speaking. OK, LinkedIn isn’t the whole spiel: For most people, you are your “background” and this “background” boils down […]
Tags:Amita Paul·Delbourg-Delphis·Employers screening employee Facebook·Facebook·Job Profiling·Linkedin·MySpace·ObjectiveMarketer·Online Identity·Renee Weisman·Résumé & Background·Social Media·Social Media Screening·Social networking sites screening·Twitter·Twitter Poll
A 140 Sec Pitch: At TWTRCON, attendees were invited to vote for six of their favorite vendors. ObjectiveMarketer ( was one of them. Amita Paul, the company’s founder, got the opportunity to pitch her product in front of the audience. I am not sure she used up her 140 seconds, actually, but one thing was clear in […]
Tags:Amita Paul·Conversional marketing·Grassroots marketing and social media·Guy Kawasaki·H5·Laconic marketing·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·ObjectiveMarketer·Retweet strategy·Shekhar Yadav·Social Media Marketing·StrongMail·Twitter·TWTRCON·XLRI
While the media may have found Twitter, only 5% of Americans are currently using it, according to a research performed by Harris Interactive in April. This doesn’t mean that Twitter is a fad. The adoption of new behaviors is generally a much longer process than is usually anticipated by innovators and early adopters. The truth of […]
Tags:140 Smiles·Adventure Girl·Andrew Israel·AspenSpin·Beth Mansfield·Brain Solis·Carl's Jr.·Cheryl Contee·Cisco·ComcastCares·DanceJam·Dell Outlet·Douglas Helferich·Eliane Fiolet·Gina Smith·Global Neighborhoods·Guy Kawasaki·Harris Interactive·Harry McCracken·Hootsuite·Janis Krums·Jeremiah Owyang·Jobaba·Jodee Rich·Laura Fitton·Leslie Poston·Loïc Le Meur·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·MC Hammer·Michael Gruen·Micropersuasion·Mind Note·ObjectiveMarketer··PeopleBrowsr·Pistachio Consulting·Radian6·Renee Hamilton·Rue Mapp·Salesforce·Seesmic·Seth Godin·Shanan·Shanan Carney·Shel Israel·Social Media Platform·Stefanie Michaels·Stefanie Nelson·Steve Rubel·Technologizer·ThumbFight·TiVo Diva·Twitfunnel·Twitlebrity·Twitter·Twitter For Dummies·Twitterverse·Twitterville·TWTRCON SF09·Ubergizmo·UserVoice·Virgin America