Grade A Entrepreneurs

(also: Zeitgeist, great atypical people, books and misc.)

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Invite socializers to stretch out their neck: Stage your brand and your offering using ObjectiveMarketer’s landing pages

November 20th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis Reaching out to customers has been most companies’ motto for over twelve years, except that back then, “reaching out” mostly meant finding ways to bring them to your website with the maximum of bells and whistles through large email marketing campaigns. Great. It works, and works well, but it’s only one […]



Social Media: The Revenge of the Internet

October 9th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of delivering an introductory speech for a great product, ObjectiveMarketer, in front of remarkable executives and CIOs from the European Institutions hosted by Cisco Systems. It’s always a challenge to speak to an extraordinarily knowledgeable audience that is well versed in both technologies and trends, but it is also a rewarding […]



Reflecting on a poll: A hiring manager asks a woman to show him her Facebook page in an interview. What should she do?

August 30th, 2009 · 14 Comments · Entrepreneurs

“We invest in people…” is a phrase that entrepreneurs hear often from VCs and employees from corporations. What does it mean? Hard to know – or maybe, the actual content of the sentence depends on who is speaking. OK, LinkedIn isn’t the whole spiel: For most people, you are your “background” and this “background” boils down […]



Social Media Marketing: Amita Paul, CEO of Objective Marketer

June 7th, 2009 · 9 Comments · Entrepreneurs

A 140 Sec Pitch: At TWTRCON, attendees were invited to vote for six of their favorite vendors. ObjectiveMarketer ( was one of them. Amita Paul, the company’s founder, got the opportunity to pitch her product in front of the audience.  I am not sure she used up her 140 seconds, actually, but one thing was clear in […]



TWTRCON SF09: Twitter for business use

June 1st, 2009 · 15 Comments · Entrepreneurs, Talents, Innovators

While the media may have found Twitter, only 5% of Americans are currently using it, according to a research performed by Harris Interactive in April. This doesn’t mean that Twitter is a fad. The adoption of new behaviors is generally a much longer process than is usually anticipated by innovators and early adopters. The truth of […]

