David Cohen is the founder and CEO of Techstars, a mentorship-driven startup accelerator, and Brad Feld has been an early stage investor for over twenty-five years. Both authors are innate entrepreneurs and authentically love entrepreneurs. So Do more faster is not simply a platform to create speaking-opportunities, but the sincere expression of their desire to […]
Tags:Brad Feld·Business mentor·David Cohen·Do more faster·Entrepreneurship·Everythingitis·Guy Kawasaki·Leadership·Reality Check·startup·Steve Blank·Techstars·The Art of the Start·The Four Steps to the Epiphany
By Marylene Delbourg-Delphis @mddelphis I recently went to a master class given in the context of the Bay Area Summer Opera Theater Institute (BASOTI), an intensive summer program for pre-professional singers founded by Sylvia Anderson in 1992 that my daughter Sophie Delphis is currently attending. This master class was given by BASOTI’s Artistic Director, Yefim Maizel, […]
Tags:Artistic Expression·BASOTI·Business Effectiveness·Business Pitch·Entrepreneurship master class·Leadership·Manon·Opera master class·Opera Stage Direction·Riga Conservatory·Sophie Delphis·St. Petersburg Conservatory·startup·Sylvia Anderson·Yefim Maizel
Selling to large companies is the dream of many entrepreneurs. It’s not easy, and they have reasons to be afraid of it. My advice is that they overcome their fears and try. This week, I wrote a post on the American Express Forum, addressing some of the most frequent questions that I get from entrepreneurs on […]
Tags:Altair 8800·BASIC·Delbourg-Delphis·Entrepreneurship·MITS·Small business·startup
About 40 students of the INSEAD business school from both the Singapore and the Fontainebleau campuses spent the week in Silicon Valley and attended various presentations and lectures, all remarkably coordinated by Dominique Trempont (left on the picture with three students, Mauricio from Colombia, Fawad from Pakistan and Philipp from Germany). I already spoke about INSEAD […]
Tags:Agonia·Blogger·Catherine Margles·Dominique Trempont·El Sistema·Entrepreneurship·Entrepreneurship and Passion·Eric Benhamou·Evangelism·Everett Rogers·INSEAD·International Business School·José Antonio Abreu·Leadership·MBA program·Poetae nascuntur fiunt oratores·PyraLabs·startup·Success and Failures for Startups
A few days ago, I had lunch with Chris Shipley. I remember being impressed by her when Stewart Alsop introduced her to me when she became the Executive Producer of DEMO. Very few women were likely to hold such a highly visible position in the high-tech industry in 1996 (and there may not be too […]
Tags:Blurb·Chris Shipley·Dehillerin·DEMOletter·French Tech Tour·Glam·Guidewire Group·High-Tech Entrepreneur·Innovate!Europe·Leadership·Marc Benioff·Matt Marshall·Mike Sigal·Salesforce.com·Silicon Valley Ecosystem·Silicon Valley guru·Six Apart·startup·Stewart Alsop·VentureBeat·VMware·WebEx·Women in high-tech·Women-founded startups·Xfire
There is often a very special high energy about startups — all types of startups. That’s what I felt when I arrived at the RESONANZ opening gala. A non-profit organization, RESONANZ is starting its first year as a new three-weeks program for young singers in Albany, N.Y. How do you start something in the midst […]
Tags:Albany·Angelo's 677·Arlene Shrut·Artist Entrepreneur·Bard College Summerscape·Ben Heppner·College Of Saint Rose·Community Outreach·Diana Hernandez·Do you like Opera?·Entrepreneurship·Feldenkrais Center of Houston·Glimmerglass Opera·Heidi Skok·Jeremy Frank·Jessica Utset·Katherine McDaniel·Lance Brunner·Leadership in the Arts·Martin Hennessy·MaryBeth Smith·New England Conservatory·NPO·RESONANZ·Roger Malouf·Russell Willis Taylor·Sheryl Woods·Sophie Delphis·Starting in a recession·startup·Susan Harwood·Susan Hoffman·Tanglewood Festival·Willian (Bill) Neill·Young Singers
How bad is it for startups seeking financing? This is the title of a post by Jeremy Liew on November 24th[1]. Well, it’s bad and as usual, Jeremy Liew says it pretty much like it is: Angel financing had dried; A slowing economy has reduced near term revenue growth expectations; Venture Capitalists are focusing on their […]
Tags:B2B2C·B2C·Bernard Gallet·Bootstrapping·company culture·Elance·financing·Glenn Kelman·Guy Kawasaki·Jeremy Liew·Marylene Delbourg-Delphis·operational marketing·proficient marketing·Reality Check·Recession·Redfin·Rent-a-Coder·startup·The Art of the Start